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GuildWarsAlliance style for board3portal

Posted: Sat 7. Mar 2009, 22:11
by Alien

I saw you have the style "GuildWarsAlliance" for Board3portal. Would it be possible to borrow you this style for my forum. I looked for on the internet but I did not find it. Or if you know, where can i find it.



Re: GuildWarsAlliance style for board3portal

Posted: Sun 8. Mar 2009, 14:49
by Marc
I don't have the Style adaption anymore, but I can give you the modified style:
(492.98 KiB) Downloaded 2215 times

Re: GuildWarsAlliance style for board3portal

Posted: Sun 8. Mar 2009, 15:38
by Guest
Thank you very much Marc. That is very helpfull.