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Proformell and internet explorer

Posted: Sat 30. Jan 2010, 00:33
by krimodu57
Hi all !
First of all, I want to say you sorry for my bad english, i'm french :/
I'm using on my forum ( the beautiful style "proFormell" (congrat's marc !).
Unfortunately, i meet a big problem.

On Internet explorer, the style is aligned at the left of the screen and there is a probleme with the over colour of the list of forums (where there is the gradient).

Please could you help me ?

Thank you very much for your help !

Re: Proformell and internet explorer

Posted: Sat 30. Jan 2010, 00:44
by Marc
You haven't saved your files as UTF8 without BOM. Therefore, IE uses the so called quirkmode, which actually simulates errors done by earlier versions of Internet Explorer. Just save your files as UTF8 without BOM and you should be ok.

Re: Proformell and internet explorer

Posted: Sat 30. Jan 2010, 00:50
by krimodu57
Thank you very much for your very fast response Marc.
But what files should as save in Utf8 without BOM ? The .html and the .css styles files i've modified only ?

And to save them in UTF8 without BOM, wordpad can make it ?

Re: Proformell and internet explorer

Posted: Sat 30. Jan 2010, 09:29
by Marc
I think it is because of your modified HTML files. Wordpad and notepad both are not able to save files as UTF8 without BOM. I suggest you use an editor like Notepad++.

Re: Proformell and internet explorer

Posted: Sat 30. Jan 2010, 15:00
by krimodu57
Ok, i've downloaded notepad++ but when i'm trying to encode the "overall_header.html" as utf8 without bom, when I open it after having saved it, he's not in utf8 without BOM.

I've attached to this post my overall_header if you can see what isthe problem :-/ ... ne&group=0

Re: Proformell and internet explorer

Posted: Sat 30. Jan 2010, 15:38
by Marc
Try it:
(4.08 KiB) Downloaded 1407 times
In notepad++, you have to click on "Format" and then "Convert to UTF8 without BOM".
Also make sure you have no BOM in overall_footer.html.

Re: Proformell and internet explorer

Posted: Sat 30. Jan 2010, 15:53
by krimodu57
Thank you but it's not working yet...
This is what I have for overall_footer and overall_header =>


Re: Proformell and internet explorer

Posted: Sat 30. Jan 2010, 16:26
by Marc
Have you refreshed your template cache after editing the files?

Re: Proformell and internet explorer

Posted: Sat 30. Jan 2010, 17:03
by krimodu57
Of course I've done it, I do it always after editing files. ... ne&group=0

There is ever an error about utf8 :s

Re: Proformell and internet explorer

Posted: Sat 30. Jan 2010, 17:31
by Marc
I don't see a UTF8 error, but you really have a lot of tags that are not XHTML valid. Anyhow, try this:
Open your site in Internet Explorer and press F12. In the new windows, change document mode to IE8 standards.