Hello everyone. I'm having a problem getting board3 portal to work with the proFormell style. Board3 portal works fine with prosilver as the default style, but when I switch the default style to proFormell I get the following error:
Code: Select all
General Error
template->_tpl_load_file(): File ./styles/proFormell/template//portal/portal_body.html does not exist or is empty
I have this running on a localhost for development. I'm running phpBB3 3.0.7 - PL1, proFormell ver. 1.2.4 and board3 portal ver. 1.0.6. I installed board3 portal with AutoMOD. Like I said it works fine with prosilver as the style, but the error pops up when I switch the default style to proFormell.
I noticed the double // between template and portal in the above error message, but I don't know if that's the problem or if it is supposed to be that way. I didn't know where to find it to try to correct it.
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. I love the proFormell style by the way.