1. Open the ACP: 2. Click on the .Mods-Tab: 3. Click on Add-Ons in the left sidebar: 4. Click on Install right next to the Add-On you want to install, i.e. "Gallery Statistics" in this picture: You are done.

phpBB Statistics 1.0.1 and older:
1. Open the ACP: 2. Click on the System-Tab: 3. Click on "phpBB Statistics" in the left sidebar: 4. Enable the category Add-Ons (not needed if it is already enabled): 5. Open the category Add-Ons: If the Add-On has already been added, move on with step 8.
6. Click on "Create new module": 7. Enter the Module details of the Add-On and click on "Submit": If you executed Step 7, there is no need for Step 8.
8. By clicking on Add-On, you can enable the Add-Ons: