I'm using proFormell.v1.2.3 and need to change the logo link and fit the logo inside the black header banner.
In overall header I change {U_INDEX} to "mywebsite" but it links to "myforumwebsite/forum/mywebsite" intead of just "mywebsite"
I've also changed the logo.png to a custom logo but it seems too big for the black heaeder banner. What shoud the maximum pixel height be to fit nicely and fill up most of the black space?
Thanks in advance and great style/theme!
Change Logo link and size in proFormel
Change Logo link and size in proFormel
Last edited by pure241 on Sat 6. Mar 2010, 05:15, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Change Logo link and size in proFormel
And as a final question is there a way to center the logo.png?
- Marc
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Re: Change Logo link and size in proFormel
First of, there is something called the edit function. It would be great if you would use that for adding new information to your post. 
To change the logo link, open overall_header.html and find:
Replace with:
Replace www.yourwebsite.com with your website.
For the site logo, I'd recommend a maximumun height of 140px, since a 150px image could cause some issues with rounded corners.
If you want to center the logo, open theme/colours.css and find:
Replace with:
Adjust padding-top and padding-left in order to fit the logo inside the header. If you choose a header with a height of 140px, you will probably have to set padding-top to something like 5px.

To change the logo link, open overall_header.html and find:
Code: Select all
<a href="{U_INDEX}" title="{L_INDEX}" id="logo">{SITE_LOGO_IMG}</a>
Code: Select all
<a href="http://www.yourwebsite.com" title="{L_INDEX}" id="logo">{SITE_LOGO_IMG}</a>
For the site logo, I'd recommend a maximumun height of 140px, since a 150px image could cause some issues with rounded corners.
If you want to center the logo, open theme/colours.css and find:
Code: Select all
/*header tweaks */
.header-pad {
padding-top: 30px; /* adjust this according to the size of your site logo */
padding-left: 25px;
Code: Select all
/*header tweaks */
.header-pad {
padding-top: 30px; /* adjust this according to the size of your site logo */
padding-left: 25px;
margin: 0 auto;
Re: Change Logo link and size in proFormel
Thanks for the quick reply!
I had forgotten to to add the http:// to my website's URL. All the instructions worked perfectly except for the centering of the logo. (Which I'm kind of over because of the next issue)
There are some issues with scaling the logo when viewing the forum on a mobile browswer but your style wasn't designed to have a large logo so that's nobody's fault.
I do have one more question:
Is there a simple method to add a favicon to the forum?
All the instuctions on the support forums on phpbb seem to be outdated or style specific.
Thanks again
I had forgotten to to add the http:// to my website's URL. All the instructions worked perfectly except for the centering of the logo. (Which I'm kind of over because of the next issue)
There are some issues with scaling the logo when viewing the forum on a mobile browswer but your style wasn't designed to have a large logo so that's nobody's fault.

I do have one more question:
Is there a simple method to add a favicon to the forum?
All the instuctions on the support forums on phpbb seem to be outdated or style specific.
Thanks again
- Marc
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Re: Change Logo link and size in proFormel
I can just tell you how I did it on this forum. Create your favicon with something like Photoshop or GIMP and save it as favicon.ico. After that upload it to your forum root.
Re: Change Logo link and size in proFormel
I ended up uploading the favicon to my forum's image directory and threw this in the overall header
Thanks for all you help.
Code: Select all
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="images/favicon.ico" />