Nope... you caught me there
Problem solved...
But I have another 'bug' for you.
I changed the header-gif.
Since you have 4 different width -pictures, I thought I would play around a little.
I myself use a 1920x1200 resolution. Weird thing is that my browser shows me the 1150x150 header gif and repeats it...
But you also created a 1350 variant... why is that one not 'called' ?
You can see here what I mean:
Please keep in mind that this is my playground... it could change any minute
Freunlicher grüß,
in your
/theme/widest.css you refer to
Code: Select all
.headerbar {
background-image: url("images/header_wider.gif");
width: auto;
so I changed it to:
Code: Select all
.headerbar {
background-image: url("images/header_widest.gif");
width: auto;