Search found 2 matches

by meca
Wed 16. Jan 2013, 10:07
Forum: English Support
Topic: Looking for extended bbcode MOD tested? 3.0.11 proFormell
Replies: 2
Views: 40261

Re: Looking for extended bbcode MOD tested? 3.0.11 proFormel

Ok, I'll go there to look for it.
Thank you
by meca
Tue 15. Jan 2013, 13:46
Forum: English Support
Topic: Looking for extended bbcode MOD tested? 3.0.11 proFormell
Replies: 2
Views: 40261

Looking for extended bbcode MOD tested? 3.0.11 proFormell

I accept any suggestion about a tested bbcode MOD working on proFormell style with phpbb 3.0.11.
I need select Font types and YouTube videos mainly. I see that here there's an option for youtube while I'm writting this post ... is it possible to set it in ACP without a MOD?

Thank you.