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by peney
Tue 10. Jul 2012, 03:22
Forum: English Support
Topic: [ASK] how to import common.php language
Replies: 9
Views: 50856

Re: [ASK] how to import common.php language

ah nvm, :-D after all this time i ve realized that i did stupid mistake. Months are located in datetime array. Yes, it is a multidimensional array. So i use $user->lang['datetime']['Jan'] instead and it works perfectly. Btw thanks Marc, you can lock this topic now :lol:
by peney
Mon 9. Jul 2012, 03:20
Forum: English Support
Topic: [ASK] how to import common.php language
Replies: 9
Views: 50856

Re: [ASK] how to import common.php language

it gives me a lot of errors and warnings [phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/statistics/addons/stats_chart.php on line 111: Undefined variable: forum_id [phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file [ROOT]/statistics/addons/stats_chart.php on line 114: Undefined index: Jan [phpBB Debug] PHP Notice: in file...
by peney
Sun 8. Jul 2012, 13:48
Forum: English Support
Topic: [ASK] how to import common.php language
Replies: 9
Views: 50856

Re: [ASK] how to import common.php language

i never change config.php. isn't that auto generated ? but i find this code :

Code: Select all

@define('PHPBB_INSTALLED', true);
// @define('DEBUG', true);
// @define('DEBUG_EXTRA', true);
by peney
Sat 7. Jul 2012, 00:40
Forum: English Support
Topic: [ASK] how to import common.php language
Replies: 9
Views: 50856

Re: [ASK] how to import common.php language

yes i did... :roll:
by peney
Fri 6. Jul 2012, 03:39
Forum: English Support
Topic: [ASK] how to import common.php language
Replies: 9
Views: 50856

[ASK] how to import common.php language

Hi.. i am trying to make this mod add on. i was wondering, can we use common.php language in function load_stats() ? i tried $user->lang['Jan'] $user->lang['Feb'] etc but it returns nothing. i also tried $user->setup('common') and $user->add_lang but the result still nothing. sorry if the answer is ...