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by cam
Sat 11. Sep 2010, 20:24
Forum: Styles Support - EN
Topic: Template error with proFormell and board3 portal
Replies: 3
Views: 16027

Re: Template error with proFormell and board3 portal

I think I have it sorted out now Marc. I believe the problem was that I trusted AutoMOD to install everything that was included in the install.xml instructions and it didn't. AutoMOD doesn't put the portal folders in the proFormell theme and it doesn't make the edits to the overall_header and overal...
by cam
Sat 11. Sep 2010, 14:34
Forum: Styles Support - EN
Topic: Template error with proFormell and board3 portal
Replies: 3
Views: 16027

Re: Template error with proFormell and board3 portal

Where might I be able to find the Prosilver instructions for proFormell? Do you have a link?

Thanks for your quick response.
by cam
Sat 11. Sep 2010, 05:39
Forum: Styles Support - EN
Topic: Template error with proFormell and board3 portal
Replies: 3
Views: 16027

Template error with proFormell and board3 portal

Hello everyone. I'm having a problem getting board3 portal to work with the proFormell style. Board3 portal works fine with prosilver as the default style, but when I switch the default style to proFormell I get the following error: General Error template->_tpl_load_file(): File ./styles/proFormell/...