Search found 5 matches

by pure241
Sat 3. Apr 2010, 03:17
Forum: Styles Support - EN
Topic: Could I get simple instructions on how to add Banner Ads?
Replies: 1
Views: 9960

Could I get simple instructions on how to add Banner Ads?

The instuctions for ProSilver don't seem to work.

I'd like to add ads on the top and bottom of each phpbb page.

Thanks for all your previous help!
by pure241
Sat 6. Mar 2010, 21:22
Forum: Styles Support - EN
Topic: Change Logo link and size in proFormel
Replies: 5
Views: 20089

Re: Change Logo link and size in proFormel

I ended up uploading the favicon to my forum's image directory and threw this in the overall header

Code: Select all

<link rel="shortcut icon" href="images/favicon.ico" />
Thanks for all you help.
by pure241
Sat 6. Mar 2010, 19:24
Forum: Styles Support - EN
Topic: Change Logo link and size in proFormel
Replies: 5
Views: 20089

Re: Change Logo link and size in proFormel

Thanks for the quick reply! I had forgotten to to add the http:// to my website's URL. All the instructions worked perfectly except for the centering of the logo. (Which I'm kind of over because of the next issue) There are some issues with scaling the logo when viewing the forum on a mobile browswe...
by pure241
Sat 6. Mar 2010, 05:14
Forum: Styles Support - EN
Topic: Change Logo link and size in proFormel
Replies: 5
Views: 20089

Re: Change Logo link and size in proFormel

And as a final question is there a way to center the logo.png?
by pure241
Sat 6. Mar 2010, 05:12
Forum: Styles Support - EN
Topic: Change Logo link and size in proFormel
Replies: 5
Views: 20089

Change Logo link and size in proFormel

I'm using proFormell.v1.2.3 and need to change the logo link and fit the logo inside the black header banner. In overall header I change {U_INDEX} to "mywebsite" but it links to "myforumwebsite/forum/mywebsite" intead of just "mywebsite" I've also changed the logo.png t...